1 General Perspectives on Fracture Management --;2 Biomechanics of Fracture Repair and Fracture Fixation --;3 Contemporary Applications of External Fixation in Fracture Treatment --;4 Current Use of the Intramedullary Nail --;5 Problems in Compound Fractures --;6 Microvascular Reconstruction in Limb Trauma --;7 Problems in Children's Fractures --;8 Hand Fractures: Controversies and Dilemmas --;9 Fractures of the Distal Radius and Ulna --;10 Problems in Elbow Fractures --;11 Problems in Shoulder Fractures --;12 Fractures Around the Hip --;13 Problem Fractures Around the Knee --;14 Fractures Around the Ankles and Foot --;15 Problems in Spinal Fractures.
Text of Note
Following a presentation of basic principles of fracture fixation and biomechanical principles the book turns to practical problemsolving areas, namely, the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle and foot, and spine, and special problems in children.