Archives Internationales D'Histoire Des Idees/International Archives of the History of Ideas, 112.
Text of Note
1. Political and Intellectual Background --;Perspectives on Tracy and the idéologues --;Tracy's life and writings: an outline --;2. Scientific Method and Ideology --;Science and certainty --;The concept of idéologie --;3. Signs, Language, and the Critique of Metaphysics --;The science of signs --;Metaphysics and religion --;4. Individuals and Social Relations --;Individual will as desire and action --;The bases of social existence --;5. Social Morality and Civil Society --;Moral education and policing --;Legislation and instruction --;6. Social Science and Public Policy --;Tracy's 'science sociale' --;Limits of social mathematics --;7. Production and Economic Classes --;The creation of wealth --;Economic classes --;8. The Problem of Economic Inequality --;9. Liberal Politics and Elitism --;Enlightened democracy --;Critique of Montesquieu --;10. Public Instruction and Ideology --;Ideological education --;Defence of the 'classe savante' --;11. Conclusion: Social Science and Liberalism.
Text of Note
This book attempts to present a detailed and critical account of the thought of Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836). The second is Tracy's attempt to elaborate a science of social organisation, la science sociale, whose objective was to recommend institutions and policies which could maximise social happiness.