Cetacea : an historical overview / Giovanni Bianucci and Walter Landini --;Fossil history / Giovanni Bianucci and Walter Landini --;Classification and molecular phylogeny / Claudine Montgelard, Emmanuel J.P. Douzery and Jacques Michaux --;Functional anatomy of the cetacean reproductive system, with comparisons to the domestic dog / Sentiel A. Rommel, D. Ann Pabst and William A. McLellan --;Anatomy with particular reference to the female / Stephanie Plön and Ric Bernard --;Endocrinology of reproduction / Shannon Atkinson and Motoi Yoshioka --;Ovary, oogenesis, and ovarian cycle / Yutaka Fukui --;Testis, spermatogenesis, and testicular cycles / Stephanie Plön and Ric Bernard --;The mature cetacean spermatozoon / Debra L. Miller, Eloise L. Styer, Shoichi Kita and Maya Menchaca --;Fertilization / Yutaka Fukui --;Embryogenesis and development in Stenella attenuata and other cetaceans / J.G.M. Thewissen and John Heyning --;Placental structure and comments on gestational ultrasonographic examination / Debra L. Miller, Eloise L. Styer and Maya Menchaca --;Courtship and mating behavior / Catherine M. Schaeff --;Reproduction in relation to conservation and commercial exploitation / Aleta A. Hohn, Ruth Y. Ewing and Julia Zaias --;Population genetics of marine mammals / Greg O'Corry-Crowe.