1 Visions and Strategies in European Integration --;An Introduction --;I Integration and Regional Development --;2 Perspectives of Regional Economic Development Around the Baltic --;3 Regional Development in Western Europe: A Mosaic Model --;4 Regionalism or Federalism? Two Visions of a New Europe --;5 European Integration and the Effects on Regional Development in Norway --;II Integration in the Network Economy --;6 European Integration and Foreign Investment: The Regional Implications --;7 Empirical Investigations of Political Interregional Economic Development --;8 Commercial Relations in the Baltic Rim Region in an Integration/Network Perspective --;9 Location and Internationalization of Small Firms --;III Integration and Environmental Sustain Ability --;10 What about Nature in Regional Science? --;11 Baltic Region Integration in & through Modelling: Perception, Wishes and Realities --;12 Transport, Logistics, Environment and Integration in the Baltic Sea Area --;13 Traffic and Environment in Nordic Capitals --;IV Peripheries and Border Regions in European Integration --;14 Ways to Develop the Competitiveness of the Periphery: The Example of Ireland --;15 Development Strategies in the Southern European Periphery: Comparisons with the Northern Periphery --;16 Changing Images of the Peripheiy --;17 The German-Danish Border Region: Does the Border Matter and Can It Be Overcome? --;Author index --;Contributors.
Text of Note
The first years of the 90s have witnessed thorough politicaland economic changes in northern Europe. The long period ofstrong political separation between east and west and theless strong economic separation between the northern andsouthern sides of the Baltic Sea seemed to be replaced byfar-reaching integration.