Transcultural interaction and linguistic diversity in higher education :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
the student experience
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Anne H. Fabricius and Bent Preisler.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
1. Introduction; Anne H. Fabricius and Bent Preisler --;2. Culture Shock or Love at First Sight? Exploring the 'Honeymoon' Stage of the International Student Sojourn; Alina Schartner and Tony Young --;3. Student Adjustment: Diversity and Uniformity of Experience; Peter Sercombe and Tony Young --;4. English is Not Enough --;Local and Global Languages in International Student Mobility: A Case Study of the Austrian University Context; Hermine Penz --;5. Students' Representations of Multilingualism and Internationalisation at Two Bilingual Universities in Spain; Enric Llurdaa, Aintzane Doizb and Juan M. Sierrab --;6. Linguistic Diversity among Students in Higher Education: A Resource in a Multilingual Language Strategy?; Anne Holmen --;7. Simultaneous Parallel Code Use: Using English in University Studies in Iceland; Birna Arnbj̲rnsd̤ttir and Hafd̕s Ingvarsd̤ttir --;8. Questioning Linguistic Imperialism: Language Use and Needs in a Puerto Rican Agriculture Program; Kevin S. Carroll, Rosita L. Rivera and Kimberly Santiago --;9. The Self-Other Positioning of International Students in the Japanese University English Language Classroom; Damian J. Rivers --;10. The Student Experience as Transculturation: Examples from One-to-One Tutorials; Joan Turner --;11. Perception and Identity for Non-Native Speakers of English in an English-Medium University Environment; Jane Vinthera and Gordon Slethaugb --;12. Living the Bilingual University: One Student's Translanguaging Practices in a Bilingual Science Classroom; Catherine M. Mazak and Claudia Herbas Donoso --;13. Why does Meredith Wish to Sound like the 'Queen'? An Investigation into Identity Issues Surrounding Spoken English Usage of Chinese ELF Speakers in London; Stuart Perrin --;14. Language Policies in English Medium Programmes in Germany and Denmark and their Long Term Effects on Graduates' Bonds with the Host Country; Frauke Priegnitz.
Text of Note
This book presents research that seeks to understand students' experiences of transnational mobility and transcultural interaction in the context of educational settings confronted with linguistic diversity.