strategies for winning over your brand ambassadors
First Statement of Responsibility
Michaela Merk.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
How brand relationships influence daily business operations --;How relationships between salespeople and brands become emotional --;How top management can win salespeople's heart the four strategies --;How brands can make frontline salespeople's heart beat --;Top 10 'heart-winners' through brand perception --;How brands can benefit from strong sales force brand relationships --;Why retailers should establish strong relationships between salespeople and private brands --;How salesperson characteristics influence their relationships with brands --;Do managers think like salespeople? --;Sales force brand relationships: a given phenomenon or a building process? --;Implications for brands and retailers.
Text of Note
The sales team can often make or break the success of new brands or products. This comprehensive guide provides strategies, models and checklists to help managers and directors strengthen the relationships of their firm's sales force with their own or other brands, maximizing turnover and profit in the long run.