1 Introduction --;1.1 What it's all about --;1.2 Selection of tools --;1.3 How much do I need to know about computers? --;1.4 Organization of the book --;1.5 The quick-start guide to SGML --;2 What type of document? --;2.1 Describing the type of document --;2.2 Understanding Document Type Definitions --;2.3 What's available in public? --;2.4 Extensible Markup Language (XML) --;2.5 Identifying the DTD --;2.6 Writing and modifying DTDs --;2.7 SGML update --;3 Editors --;3.1 Editors and DTDs --;3.2 Stylesheets and WYSIWYG --;3.3 General-purpose editors --;3.4 SGML extensions to non-SGML editors --;4 Parsing and validating --;4.1 Using a built-in parser --;4.2 Interpreting and reusing parser output --;4.3 Stand-alone parsing --;5 Manipulation and conversion --;5.1 Quick and dirty: using non-SGML tools --;5.2 Programmable conversion engines --;5.3 SGML export and import without programming --;6 Finding, viewing, and printing --;6.1 Searching --;6.2 Viewers and browsers --;6.3 Non-visual representations --;6.4 Stylesheet software --;6.5 Printing and publishing --;6.6 Document management and archiving --;7 Rolling your own --;7.1 Toolkits for the programmer --;A The CD-ROM --;A.2 Words of warning about the software --;A.3 How does it work? --;A.4 What am I allowed to do with it --;A.5 Documentation --;A.6 GNU software --;B SGML resources --;B.1 On the Web --;B.2 Usenet news --;B.3 Mailing lists --;B.4 SGML User Groups --;References --;Index of people and organizations --;Index of markup elements and parameters --;Index of acronyms and abbreviations.
Text of Note
Peter Flynn has been an enthusiastic and skillful contributor in the world of SGML and XML for many years, and it is a pleasure to see him set some of his expertise down in writing as well. Since XML is fundamentally an elegant subset of SGML that reduces complexity without reducing functionality, the movement to XML is great for SGML too.