Food security in water-short countries --;coping with carrying capacity overshoot / Malin Falkenmark & Mats Lannerstad --;Global agricultural green and blue water consumptive uses and virtual water trade / Junguo Liu & Hong Yang --;Water scarcity and food security: a global assessment of water potentiality in Tunisia / Jamel Chahed, Mustapha Besbes & Abdelkader Hamadane --;Can human ingenuity, science and technology help solve the world's problems of water and food scarcity? / Elena López-Gunn & M. Ramón Llamas --;Producing more or wasting less? Bracing the food security challenge of unpredictable rainfall / Jan Lundqvist --;Prioritising the processes beyond the water sector that will secure water for society --;farmers, fair international trade and food consumption and waste / J.A. [Tony] Allan --;Present and future roles of water and food trade in achieving food security, reducing poverty and water use / Juan A. Sagardoy & Consuelo Varela-Ortega --;Economic aspects of virtual water trade: lessons from the Spanish case / Alberto Garrido [and others] --;Water commoditization: an ethical perspective for a sustainable use and management of water resources, with special reference to the Arab region / Magdy A. Hefny --;Water scarcity risks: experience of the private sector / Stuart Orr & Anton Cartwright --;Incorporating the water footprint and environmental water requirements into policy: reflections from the Doñana region (Spain) / Maite M. Aldaya, Francisco García Novo & M. Ramón Llamas --;The blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from both a production and consumption perspective / Ashok K. Chapagain & Arjen Y. Hoekstra --;Water quality and nonpoint pollution: comparative global analysis / José Albiac [and others] --;Intensive groundwater development: a water cycle transformation, a social revolution, a management challenge / Emilio Custodio --;Electricity reforms and its impact on groundwater use: evidence from India / Aditi Mukherji, Tushaar Shah & Shilp Verma --;Water and energy nexus --;role of technology / Joppe F. Cramwinckel --;Energy supply for the coming decades and the consequent water demand / Ignasi Nieto --;The economics of desalination for various uses / Xavier Bernat [and others] --;Postscript. The impossibilities of water in agriculture: an increasingly unreal world. What we have to do about it? / Margaret Catley-Carlson.
Text of Note
This book provides an overview, by leading world experts, on key issues in global water and food security. The book is divided in a series of over-arching themes and sections. The first part of the book provides an overview of water and food security. The second and third sections look at global trade and virtual water trade, and provide some specific examples on the application of the water footprint at different scales. The fourth section sets the context into wider debates related to global sustainable production and consumption. The last section of the book addresses the role of the silent.
Food security -- Congresses.
Water resources development -- Congresses.
Water-supply -- Security measures -- Congresses.
Class number
Book number
editors, Luis Martínez-Cortina, Alberto Garrido, Elena López-Gunn.