1. The basics of ethical decision-making --;2. Hospital ethics committees and clinical ethicists --;3. The settings of health care ethical dilemmas --;4. Advance directives --;5. Do not resuscitate orders and "code blue" --;6. Non-beneficial medical interventions --;7. Quality of life and treatment burdens --;8. Patient privacy and confidentiality --;9. Refusing medical treatment --;10. Health care at the end of life --;11. Transplant ethics --;12. Neuroethics --;13. Ethics and reproductive technology --;14. Genetics and ethics --;15. Pediatric ethics --;16. Participating in a research study --;17. Medical tourism --;18. Sports medicine --;19. Substance abuse --;20. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex health care --;21. Psychiatric ethics --;22. Telemedicine.
Text of Note
This book is directed at the lay audience of patients and their families who are confronted by highly complex and difficult medical procedures and issues.