Service systems and innovations in business and society collection.
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Center for services leadership, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University.
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Introduction: transitioning from products to services and solutions --;The service infusion continuum --;Company configuration for services and solutions --;Capabilities: skills, training, and technology --;Customization: balancing uniqueness with operational realities --;Collaboration with customers: engaging customers in service and solution design, development, and challenges to offering new services and solutions --;Conclusion: cultivating a service and solution --;Appendix 1. Research approach, resources, and methodology --;Appendix 2. Company interview guide --;About the authors --;Notes --;References --;Index.
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Designed for executives in companies that manufacture or sell products, this book outlines the challenges of launching a service and solutions business within a product-oriented organization. The target audience-- manufacturers, industrial suppliers, technology firms, and other vendors of business goods--views services and solutions as a means to financial growth, reduced revenue volatility, greater differentiation from the competition, increased share of customer budget, and improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lock-in. The authors visualize the transition from products sold to services rendered and identify the challenges that leaders will face during the transformation. To overcome those challenges, the book shows leaders how to manage change in five areas: corporate structure; corporate culture; organizational metrics of performance, growth and investment; individual skills and talent development; and core competencies of collaboration and customization.