Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 15 août 2017).
Text of Note
Introduction: The Cases For and Against the Ues of Management Tools and Techniques --;PART 1: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Tools and Techniques for Strategic Management --;The Use of Strategic Management Tools and Techniques --;PART 2: MARKETING AND SALES MANAGEMENT. Tools and Techniques for Marketing and Sales Management --;The Use and Performance of Marketing and Sales Tools and Techniques --;PART 3: OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT. Tools and Techniques for Operations and Production Management --;The Use of Operations and Production Management Tools and Techniques --;PART 4: PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT. Tools and Techniques for Procurement and Supply Management --;The Use of Procurement and Supply Management Tools and Techniques --;PART 5: CONCLUSIONS. A Curate's Egg: On the Use and Performance of Management Tools and Techniques.
Text of Note
This book is the result of a four-year study into the most commonly used management tools and techniques in the areas of business strategy and finance, marketing, production and operations, and procurement and supply chain management.