The future in now --;What does character look like? --;Kids need parents with boundaries --;What will happen if I do this? The law of sowing and reaping --;Pulling my own wagon: the law of responsibility --;I can't do it all, but I'm not helpless, either: the law of power --;I'm not the only one who matters: the law of respect --;Life beyond "Because I'm the mommy": the law of motivation --;Pain can be a gift: the law of evaluation --;Tantrums needn't be forever: the law of proactivity --;I am happier when I am thankful: the law of envy --;Jump-starting my engine: the law of activity --;Honesty is the best policy: the law of exposure --;Rolling up your sleeves: the six steps to implementing boundaries with your kid.
Text of Note
Designed to accompany Boundaries with Kids, this workbook takes you step by step toward helping your children take control of their lives by learning boundaries.