And baby makes four: bringing a baby into a pet-owning household --;Is this the right time? Assessing your family's readiness to acquire a pet --;A decision you can live with: selecting the right pet for your child and family --;"But I fed him last night!" The physical and medical responsibilities of pet care --;Living, learning, and growing together: managing child-pet interactions --;The yucky side of pets: addressing the potential health risks pets pose to children --;Gone too soon: helping children cope with pet loss.
Text of Note
The decision to include pets as a part of your family can be fraught with uncertainty. How do you know when the time is right? How do you select the right pet? Choose a proper diet? Avoid common injuries? Provide adequate exercise? Avoid allergies? Share caretaking responsibilities? Not share germs or parasites? Whether you are ready to take the plunge or just beginning to explore the possibility, Can We Have One? is an essential, convenient resource for parents considering pet ownership--or pet owners considering parenthood. Veterinarian Lynn F. Buzhardt and social worker Sue D. Steib combine.