Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, (ICAME 2001) September 2-7, 2001, Oxford, U.K.
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edited by Michael F. Thomas, John M. Williams, Terence C. Gibb.
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Springer Netherlands
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(XXIV, 606 Seiten)
Text of Note
ICAME is the major International Conference on research in which Mössbauer Spectroscopy plays a key role. Mainstream topics cover Condensed Matter Science, - magnetism, nanophase materials, chemical structure and bonding, industrial applications including catalysis and corrosion, biological and medical studies. Non-mainstream investigations include relating diamonds to the state of the earth's interior and processes on asteroids and meteorites. Techniques include synchrotron radiation studies as well as traditional spectroscopy to provide a snapshot of worldwide activity in this field of research in 2001.
Text of Note
Valles-Penedes Half Graben.- Moessbauer Investigation of Biologically-Induced Mineralization Processes.- Two Magnetic Transitions at Lower Temperature in (Fe1?xMex)2SiS4-Thioolivines, Me = Mg or Mn.- A Moessbauer Study of Meteorites - A Possible Criterion to Identify Meteorites from the Same Parent Body?.- Moessbauer Study of Brazilian Emeralds.- Key Role of the Kinetics of ?-FeOOH Bioreduction on the Formation of Fe(II-III) Minerals.- Moessbauer Spectra of Circumstellar Silicate Dust Analogs Used as a Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst.- Rock Paintings Fron Minas Gerais, Brazil Investigated by In-Situ Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Trends in Atmospheric Iron Measured by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Energetic Heavy Iron Radiation Effect in Brazilian Emeralds.- Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study on Characterization of Iron in the Permian to Triassic Deep Sea Chert from Japan.- Iron Mineral Modifications in the Sand Fraction of a Subtropical Soil from Argentina.- Moessbauer and X-Ray Diffraction Study of Mackinawite FeS1?x Air Oxidation.- Characterization of Iron Sulphides from Ore Mining Projects.- Magnetic Characterization of Sediments of Urban Supply Lakes in Sao Paulo, Brazil.- Moessbauer Investigation on Ti-Garnets from Different Geological Environments.- Moessbauer Study of Iron Sulfide Crystallization Processes.- Fe-Ni Metal Structures of Mesosiderites Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Weathering of Volcanic Material from Perhumid Costa Rica Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy, INAA and XRD.- The Leaching of A Sulphide Ore - A Moessbauer and SEM Perspective.- Sican Kilns and Furnaces: Field Firings and Archaeometric Studies.- 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy in Coal with Different Caloric Values.- Study of Oxide-Support Interactions in Silica-Supported Iron Oxide Precursors.- On-Line and In-Situ Identification of Air Pollution.- Cems Study of Corrosion Product: ?-FeOOH.- Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study of Iron Oxyhydroxides and Rust Formed on the Steel Surfaces.- Iron Phases in FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 Metallurgical Slags.- The Role of Silicon Atoms inside the Brownmillerite Phase of Cement Clinker.- On Magnetite Formation as a Corrosion Product of Steel.- A Moessbauer Study of Steel and its Ore Originating from Northern Iran.- Moessbauer and Structural Studies of GdFe2?xTix Alloys.- The Effects of Short Oxidation Time on Zr (Fe,Cr)2 Laves Phases.- Rare Earth Additions in a Ferritic Steel: A Moessbauer Study.- Moessbauer Study of the Effect of Milling Periodic on the Dynamic Behavior of Fe30Ti70 Alloy.- Magnetic Properties of Iron-Copper Alloys.- Austemtering Transformation in 0.11 wt% Mn Vermicular Cast Iron.- Ball Milling of Fe3Al-Si Powder Mixtures.- Moessbauer Spectroscopy Study of Iron Removal Process During Zinc Extraction.- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Alloyed Fe2B.- Moessbauer Effect Studies of Dy(Fe0.7?xAlxC0.3)2 and Dy(Fe0.7Co0.3?xAlx)2 Compounds.- Structural and Magnetic Characteristics of Fd1?xCox Alloys Containing 12.5 at % Nb.- Moessbauer Study of the ?? Phase Formation in Fe-Cr-Based Duplex Stainless Steel.- Moessbauer Spectral Study of PrTiFe11?xCox (x ? 2).- Atomic Ordering at Grain Boundaries in Fe-Si and Fe-Al Alloys.- Effects of Cold Rolling and Heat Treatments on Fe Precipitation in High Purity Aluminum Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- A Moessbauer Study of the RENiSn (RE = La, Nd, Tb and Ho) Intermetallic Compounds and their Deuterides.- Monte Carlo Simulation of the Moessbauer Spectra in Ternary FeCoMo Alloys.- Structural Changes of an Austenitic Stainless Steel Induced by RF Plasma Nitriding.- Moessbauer Study of Radiation Effects on Swift Heavy Iron Irradiated Fe-Ni-Cr Multilayers and Electrodeposited Alloys.- Ultra-Thin FexMn1?x Alloy Films on Ag(100).- Interface Structure and Magnetism of Fe/Cr Multilayers.- Spin Structures in Exchange-Biased Thin Films Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.
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Excitation of the Nuclear Resonance in 61Ni at 67.4 keV by Synchrotron Radiation.- Multibeam Laser Selection of Nuclides for Gamma-Laser, Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Other Practice.- Baseline Investigation in Transmission Moessbauer Spectroscopy using Resonance Detectors.- Perforated Diamond Anvils for Research at Very High Pressures.- Nuclear Excitation of 127Iodine using Synchrotron Radiation.- Multiple Moessbauer Spectra Data Acquisition with an In-situ Cyclic Voltammetry System.- Sapphire X-ray Resonator.- Glass Dynamics and Scaling Behaviour under Pressure using Quasielastic Nuclear Forward Scattering.- Mechanically Assisted Nitridation in the Zr-Fe System.- Structural Study of Fe-Cr-Co Alloys Obtained by Mechanical Alloying.- A Moessbauer Study of Nanocrystallisation under Continuous Heating Conditions.- Investigation of Eu3+ Site Occupancy and Eu-O Covalency in Nanocrystalline Y2O3 by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Moessbauer Studies of the Tetravalent Doped Magnetite.- Moessbauer Spectra of Iron Fine Particles by Computer Simulation.- Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Fe(Co,Ni)ZrB Systems Prepared by the Rapid Quenching and Mechanical Alloying Methods.- Moessbauer and Electrical Properties of Sulfur Doped Basalt Glass.- 129I-Moessbauer Study of Iodine-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.- 197Au Moessbauer Study of Au Nano-Particles.- Moessbauer Study of Sm2Fe17?xSix.- Charge State of Rare Earth Ions and Glass Transition in the Glassy Al85Ni10R5 Alloys.- Magnetic Interactions between Nanoparticles of Different Materials.- Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Magnesium-Doped Li0.5Fe2.5O4 Nanocrystalline Particles.- Crystallization Process of ?-Fe/Nd2Fe14B Type Nanocomposite Magnet Alloys.- Moessbauer and Small Polaron Hopping Conduction Studies of Alkali Borogermanate Glasses Containing Iron.- Moessbauer Studies of Nanosize MnFe2O4 Particles.- Advanced Double Coated Metal Particle Tapes Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetic Measurements.- Moessbauer Spectroscopy on Ferromagnetic Fe2VAl.- Cems Study of 57Fe Implanted in Diamond.- Phonon Density of States of FeNi-Invar Determined by Nuclear Inelastic Scattering.- Spin Reorientation in HoCo12B6.- On the Magnetic Reordering of R6Fe13X Intermetallic Compounds: (R = Pr and Nd; X = Si, Ge and Sn).- Moessbauer Hyperfine Parameters of Fe-Al Alloys.- Iron Valence in Double Perovskites.- A Study of the Spin Dynamics and Moessbauer Relaxation in Sr2FeRuO6 by Monte Carlo Analysis.- Dynamics of Fe Cations in an H2SO4 Solution by Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering.- 151Eu Moessbauer Spectroscopy of the Filled Skutterdite-Type Compound EuRu4P12.- Moessbauer Study of Ni-Zn Ferrites Obtained by the Self-Propagated Method.- 57Fe Moessbauer Study of Novel Series of Intermetallic Compounds R3(Fe1?xCox)29?yTy (R = Nd, Tb, Dy; T = Ti, V).- Crystallization and Anisotropic Hyperfine Field Fluctuation in Double Perovskite A2FeMoO6 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca).- Moessbauer Study and Electron Transport Properties in Co0.1Fe0.9Cr2S4.- Electronic Properties of CuFeS2 under Pressure Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Defects and Disorder in Magnetosensitive Double Perovskite A2FeMoO6 (A = Sr, Ba).- 170Yb Moessbauer Study of Magnetic Ordering in Yb2Cu2O5.- Moessbauer Study of Ba Doped Cubic Perovskite SrFeO3.- Moessbauer and XRD Study of (Zn, Cd)xCo1?xFe2?xAlxO4 Spinel Ferrites.- Change of the Nuclear Charge Radius for the 197Au Moessbauer Resonance.- The Magnetism of FeOCl Revisited: Observation of Low Field Spin-Flop Behavior for the Polycrystalline Form.- High Field Moessbauer Investigations of CoGa2?xFexO4 Spinels.- 57Fe Moessbauer Studies on BaFe2X3 Compounds with X = S, Se.- Moessbauer Analysis of 57Fe Substituted for Cu in 1212-Phase (Pb,Cu)Sr2(Y,Ca)Cu2Oz Superconductor.- Influence of the Statistical Fluctuation of Fe2+ Localization Upon the Tilt of Fe2+ Spin in FexNl1?xCl2.- Evidence of Intermediate Magnetic States in Non-Stochiometric Hematite.- Moessbauer and Magnetic Evidence for Spin Frustration in Hetero-Trinuclear Clusters.- 119Sn Moessbauer Study of the Giant Magnetocaloric Compound: Gd5Sn4.- The Magnetic Structure of Doped Gamma Iron Oxide.- Moessbauer and Neutron Diffraction Studies on the Magnetic Phase Transition in Antiferromagnetic FePt0.5Ir0.5 Alloy.- High-Pressure Moessbauer Study of Perovskite Iron Oxides.- Aph Induced Red Cell Oxidation in Healthy Persons.- Structural Relaxation from X-ray Irradiated Metastable HbMET Investigated by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Potassium Ascorbate as Protective Agent in the Oxidation of the Red Blood Cells.- Dynamic Phenomena in Deoxy- and Oxymyoglobin Investigated by Nuclear Resonant Forward Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation.- Characterization of Cytochrome c-552 from Nitrosomonas Europaea with EPR and Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- How a Blood Sucking Insect Gets its Meal: The Ferriheme Proteins Nitrophorin 2 and 4 Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- A Study on Red Blood Cells of the Patients with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease.- A High Pressure Moessbauer Spectroscopy Study of [57FeOEPCl].- In-Situ57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of the Thermal Treatment of Metal-Doped Fe3O4.- Nuclear Resonant Forward Scattering using Synchrotron Radiation Applied to the Low-Spin Ferriheme Complex [TPPFe(NH2PzH)2]Cl.- 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of Cobalt-Substituted Lanthanum Orthoferrites.- X-Ray and Moessbauer Study of Mixed Potassium-Sodium Ferrate (VI).- Moessbauer Studies of Bonding and Tin(II) Sublattice Softening in the Highly Unusual Doubly Disordered Ba1?xSnxCh1+yF1?y Solid Solution.- A Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study of Self-Passivation in Tin(II) Chloride Fluorides: The Special Case of the Ba1?xSnxCl1+xF1?y Solid Solution.- Variation in Spin Direction Observed for Oxalate-Bridged Mn(II)-Fe(III) Systems.- Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study on xFe2O3 * (40?x)Na2O * 60P2O5 (x = 5, 20, 30) Glasses at Low Temperature.- Synthesis and 57Fe and 151Eu Moessbauer Spectroscopic Studies of New Lanthanoid-Iron Complexes.- In-Beam Moessbauer Study of 57Fe Species Arising from 57Mn Implanted into KMnO4.- 151Eu Moessbauer Spectroscopic and XRD Study on Some Fluorite-Type Solid Solution Systems, EuyM1?yO2?y/2 (M = Zr, Hf, Ce).- Study on Porphyrin Complex Ligated with Azaferrocene Derivatives.- Characterization of Heavy Metal Waste Glass by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Heterobimetallic [2-(Dimethylaminomethyl)-Ferrocenyl] Derivatives Investigated with Elements of the Fourth Maingroup.- Moessbauer Studies of Fe(II)-Nitrosyl Porphyrin Model Compounds.- Antimony-121 Moessbauer Spectra for Crown Ether Complexes of Antimony(III) Trihalides, SbX3 (crown).- Variable Temperature 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopic Studies on Ferrocenyl "Push-Pull" Molecules.- The Ca Binding to the Hull of Nixtamalized Corn Grains as Detected by 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Related Techniques.- Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study of Iron-Containing Sodium Borosilicate Glasses.- Investigation of the Fe3+ Luminescence in LiAlO2 Phosphors Activated with Iron.- Nickel- and Cobalt-Doped Magnetite as Catalysts on the Oxidation of CO.- Hydrogenation of HoFe2.- Metal-Tellurium Bonds in 3D-Transition Metal Ditellurides.- Preparation and Europium-151 Moessbauer Spectroscopy of Ca1?xEuxAl12O19.- Spin Crossover in Fe(II) Molecular Compounds - Moessbauer and ?SR Investigations.- Investigation Into the Microstructure of Iron-Chromium Oxyhydroxide Fine Particles.- Moessbauer Spectral Study of Two Layered Honeycomb Molecular Magnets: PPh4FeIIFeIII(ox)3 and NBu4FeIIFeIII(ox)3.- Moessbauer Studies on the Metallic Phases of Al Kidirate and New Halfa Meteorites.- 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopic Investigation of Some Coals of Geographically Different Provenance and their Fly Ashes.- The Aging Process in Ceramics.- Chemical Dynamics of Fe Compounds in Brazilian Mangrove Sediments Studied by Moessbauer Spectroscopy.- Moessbauer Spectrmetry to Study Diagenetical Processes of Red Beds and Sand Dikes in the
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2001), September 2-7, 2001, Oxford, UK
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics.
Chemistry, inorganic.
Condensed Matter Physics.
edited by Michael F. Thomas, John M. Williams, Terence C. Gibb.