Ch.1. Homeostasis: A framework for human physiology -- Ch.2. Chemical composition of the body -- Ch.3. Cellular structure, proteins, and metabolism -- Ch.4. Movement of Molecules across cell membranes -- Ch.5. Control of cells by chemical messengers -- Ch.6. Neuronal signaling and the structure of the nervous system -- Ch.7. Sensory physiology -- Ch.8. Consciousness, the brain, and behavior -- Ch.9. Muscle -- Ch.10. Control of the body movement -- Ch.11. The Endocrine system -- Ch.12. Cardiovascular physiology -- Ch.13. Respiratory physiology -- Ch.14. The kidneys and regulation of water and inorganic Ions -- Ch.15. The Digestion and absorption of Foods -- Ch.16. Regulation of Organic Metabolism and energy balance -- Ch.17. Reproduction -- Ch.18. Defense mechanism of the Body -- Ch.19. Medical Physiology: Integration using clinical cases