Foundations of evidence-based social work practice /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Albert R. Roberts, Kenneth R. Yeager
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Oxford University Press,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xvii, 440 p. :
Other Physical Details
ill. ;
24 cm
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
Bridging evidence-based health care and social work : how to search for, develop, and use evidence-based studies / Albert R. Roberts, Kenneth Yeager, and Cheryl Regehr -- The evidence for and against evidence-based practice / Edward J. Mullen and David L. Streiner -- What is evidence-based practice? / Bruce A. Thyer -- A practical approach to formulating evidence-based questions in social work / Kenneth R. Yeager and Albert R. Roberts -- Implementing best practice and expert consensus procedures / Kevin Corcoran and Vikki L. Vandiver -- Overview of evidence-based practices / Richard N. Rosenthal -- Implementation of practice guidelines and evidence-based treatment : a survey of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers / Edward J. Mullen and William Bacon -- Concise standards for developing evidence-based practice guidelines / Enola K. Proctor and Aaron Rosen -- Will the real evidence-based practice please stand up? : teaching the process of evidence-based practice to the helping professions / Aron Shlonsky and Leonard Gibbs -- Health care evidence-based practice : a product of political and cultural times / Sophia F. Dziegielewski and Albert R. Roberts -- Toward common performance indicators and measures for accountability in behavioral health care / Gregory B. Teague, Thomas Trabin, and Charles Ray -- Facilitating practitioner use of evidence-based practice / Edward J. Mullen -- Developing a systematic evidence-based search plan for a client with co-occurring conditions / Barbara Thomlison and Robin J. Jacobs -- A cognitive-behavioral approach to suicide risk reduction in crisis intervention / Marjorie E. Weishaar -- Task centered practice : an exemplar of evidence-based practice / William Reid and Anne E. Fortune -- Evidence-based practice and manualized treatment with children / Scott K. Okamoto and Craig Winston LeCroy -- Evidence-based treatment for traumatized and abused children / Carlton E. Munson -- Treating juvenile delinquents with conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiance disorder / David W. Springer -- Evidence-based treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder : deciding what treatment method works for whom? / Jonathan S. Abramowitz and Stephanie A. Schwartz -- The implications of controlled outcome studies on planned short-term psychotherapy with depressive disorders / Bernard L. Bloom, Kenneth R. Yeager, and Albert R. Roberts -- Evidence-based practice with anxiety disorders : guidelines based on 59 outcome studies / Bernard L. Bloom, Kenneth R. Yeager, and Albert R. Roberts -- Psychoeducation as evidence-based practice : considerations for practice, research, and policy / Ellen P. Lukens and William R. McFarlane -- Mental illness, substance dependence, and suicidality : secondary data analysis / Kenneth R. Yeager and Albert R. Roberts -- Cognitive behavioral therapy of persons with posttraumatic stress disorder : an evidence-based approach / M. Elizabeth Vonk, Patrick Bordnick, and Ken Graap -- Recovery : expanding the vision of evidence-based practice / Phyllis Solomon and Victoria Stanhope
Text of Note
"Concise introduction to evidence-based social work that introduces the issues and methods most frequently encountered while preparing for evidence-based social work practice"--Provided by publisher