Includes bibliographical references (pages 183-218) and index
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Part 1. The current landscape of the special education system -- 1. Public school education within a democracy : an equal opportunity for all students -- Unequal opportunity -- Funding of special education : a demographic snapshot of support -- Family challenges and children with disabilities -- Teaching music in the 21st century : a label-free approach to teaching music to students with special needs -- Cognition -- Communication -- Receptive and expressive language -- Language and culture -- Behavioral or emotional challenges -- Sensory challenges -- Physical and medical conditions -- 2. The current structure of special education in our schools : a brief history of legislation and litigation in the United States -- Keystone legislation and educating students with special needs -- Public law 94-142 -- Legislative history on behalf of students who are intellectually gifted -- The Jacob K. Jarvits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act -- More recent legislation and litigation regarding students with special needs -- The Americans with Disabilities Act -- The six principles of IDEA : implications for music educators -- Zero reject -- Nondiscriminatory evaluation -- Free and appropriate education (FAPE) -- Least restrictive environment (LRE) -- Procedural due process and parent involvement -- The effect of No Child Left Behind on special education -- Race to the top (RTTT) -- Responsiveness to intervention -- Applications and considerations for music educators -- Part 2. Preparing to teach music to student with special needs -- 3. Preparing to teach : fieldwork and engagement opportunities in special education for preservice and inservice music teachers -- Becoming acquainted through observation, assisting, discussion, and planning -- Types of fieldwork opportunities in special education for pre-service and in-service music educators -- 4. A resourceful and pedagogical approach to teaching students with special needs -- Participation in the process and gathering support -- Speaking with special education professionals and staff -- Parent partnerships -- Individualized education programs (IEP) and 504 plans -- 504 plans -- Attending the IEP or 504 meetings -- Understanding adaptations, accomodations, and modifications -- Incorporating the five domains into classroom accomodations -- Teaching music to students with cognitive challenges -- Teaching music to students with communication challenges -- Teaching music to students with behavioral or emotional challenges -- Strategies for music teachers when teaching students with sensory challenges -- Teaching music to students with physical and medical conditions -- Part 3. Practical classroom adaptations, modifications, and assessment techniques for teaching students with special needs -- 5. Developing a student-centered and inclusive classroom -- Classroom management and students with special needs : four important considerations -- Initial preparation and planning -- Continued communication -- Physical arrangement -- Parents and classroom behavior -- Anxiety -- Moderate intervention plans -- School-wide positive behavior supports systems -- The socialization of students with special needs -- Theoretical framework for socialization and inclusion -- Caring : a feminine approach to ethics and moral education -- Social identity processes in organization contexts -- Risks (lessons learned from Vygotsky) -- Practical strategies for music educators -- Be aware of the social environment in your school -- Synergy -- A moral/ethical code -- Being proactive in your approach to socialization -- 6. Curriculum and assessment for students with special needs -- Fundamentals of curriculum design and students with special needs (a quick review) -- Constructivism as a model to assist with inclusion -- Four primary teaching practices to consider when teaching students with disabilities in a modified or adapted curriculum -- Curricular modifications in music education for students with disabilities -- Incorporating important elements of music therapy into the music education curriculum -- Assessment and students with special needs -- Measurement, assessment, and evaluation for students with disabilities -- Formative assessments for students with special needs -- Establishing a baseline of understanding -- Writing clear obtainable objectives for students with special needs -- Assessing nonmusical goals -- Alternative assessments for students with special needs -- Summative assessments and students with special needs -- 7. Teaching strategies for performers with special needs -- The hidden curriculum in traditional performing ensembles (equal access) -- Participating in the special education process -- Understanding the disability -- Adaptation of instruction for performers with special needs -- The use of technology -- Large group performing ensembles : are they the appropriate placement for students with special needs? -- Meaningful participation -- 8. Teaching music to students who are intellectually gifted -- Intellectual giftedness in the music classroom -- Understanding the spectrum of special needs (gifted and talented) -- A brief background of how students are identified as "gifted" -- The current identification process -- Individual IQ testing and other identification practices -- Categories of giftedness -- A discussion of variant needs and services provided to students with special needs -- Elitism vs. egalitarianism -- Characteristics of students who are gifted -- Instructional delivery/pacing/process/modifications -- Teacher characteristics that are successful when teaching students who are gifted -- Twice exceptional -- Putting it all together -- Part 4. Resources for music educators -- 9. Resources for music teachers and music teacher educators in teaching students with special needs
Text of Note
From the publisher. A practical guide and reference manual, Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs addresses special needs in the broadest possible sense to equip teachers with proven, research-based curricular strategies that are grounded in both best practice and current special education law. Chapters address the full range of topics and issues music educators face including parental involvement, student anxiety, field trips and performances, and assessment strategies. The book concludes with an up-to-date section of resources and technology information