Includes bibliographical references (p. 430-468) and indexes.
Text of Note
8. The psychology of drug abuse -- Psychology and personality -- Psychoanalytic theory and drug abuse -- The stages of psychological development -- Divisions of the psyche -- Drug use and adolescence -- Unresolved parental relationships -- Ego deficiencies -- Regression to infant sexuality -- Behaviorism/learning theory -- Operant conditioning -- Behavior modification -- Cognitive learning theory -- A psycho sociological dimension -- Summary -- Review questions -- 9. Drug abuse treatment -- The cure industry -- Medication-assisted treatment -- Opioid antagonists -- Chemicals for detoxification -- Opioid agonists -- Chemical responses to cocaine abuse -- Psychological treatments -- A psychoanalytic approach -- Behavior modification -- Group treatment -- Drug treatment programs -- Treatment programs in the criminal justice system -- Drug courts -- Treatment Alternative to Street Crime (TASC) -- Therapeutic community -- Chemical dependency programs -- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) -- The AA program -- AA organization -- The Minnesota Model -- Alternatives to AA -- Evaluating treatment effectiveness -- Difficulties in measuring effectiveness -- Measuring AA/twelve-step effectiveness -- Other programs -- Summary -- Review questions -- 10. Drug abuse prevention -- Models for prevention -- Information model -- Affective model -- Social influence model -- Sample programs -- Project D.A.R.E. -- Reconnecting youth -- Preparing for the Drug-Free Years (PDFY) -- Strengthening Families Program -- Child Development Project (CDP) -- Prevention research -- Technical problems and criticisms -- Summary -- Review questions -- 11. The business of drugs and the drug-terrorism connection -- International drug trafficking -- Colombia -- Mexico -- Golden triangle -- Thailand -- Triads -- Golden crescent -- The terrorism connection -- Domestic drug trafficking -- Dominicans -- Street-level drug business -- Street-level drug market -- Marijuana and methamphetamine -- Money laundering -- Summary -- Review questions.; 12. Drug laws and law enforcement -- Constitutional constraints -- Conceptual models of criminal justice -- The Fourth Amendment and the exclusionary rule -- Jurisdictional limitations -- International efforts -- Corruption -- Exposure to temptation -- Informants -- Statutes and legal requirements -- Conspiracy -- Tax violations -- Money Laundering Act -- Seizure and forfeiture of assets -- Grand jury -- Law enforcement agencies -- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) -- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- Coast Guard -- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) -- U.S. Marshals Service -- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) -- The military -- Postal inspection service -- Strike forces and task forces -- Interpol -- Street-level law enforcement -- Issues in drug law enforcement -- Summary -- Review questions -- 13. Drug abuse policy -- Incongruities between facts and policies -- Supply reduction through the criminal sanction -- Overflowing prisons -- Would changing the penalties help? -- Penalties in other nations -- Centralizing federal drug law enforcement -- Enforcement results -- Conclusion -- Supply reduction by controlling drugs at their source -- The "balloon effect" and human rights violations -- Economic importance of the coca crop in Peru and Bolivia -- Crop eradication or substitution -- Drug enforcement and foreign policy -- Demand reduction by drug testing -- Case law results -- Drug-testing process -- Testing problems -- Demand reduction by criminal prosecution for fetal liability -- Demand reduction by expanding treatment -- Measuring the result of policy changes -- Summary -- Review questions -- 14. Drug decriminalization and harm reduction -- Decriminalization of drug abuse -- The pros -- The cons -- Policy issues -- Focus on causes -- Emergence of decriminalization as a policy issue -- Medical maintenance -- Heroin -- Cocaine -- Comparison to legal substances -- Efforts to decriminalize marijuana -- Containment in Zurich -- Needle-exchange programs -- Harm reduction -- Principles of harm reduction -- Reducing the risky consequences of drug use -- Harm reduction in the United Kingdom -- Dutch drug policy -- Policy change to harm reduction -- Problems over the past twenty years -- Canada changes direction -- Harm reduction : a new approach to education -- Conclusion -- Summary -- Review Questions -- Glossary -- References -- Name index -- Subject index.
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Preface -- 1. An introduction to drug abuse -- Drugs : reaching a definition -- Drug abuse and addiction -- Drug abuse continuum -- Addiction -- Definition determines response -- Drugs of abuse -- Depressants -- Stimulants -- Hallucinogens, "club drugs," marijuana/cannabis, and inhalants -- Estimating the extent of the drug problem -- National Survey on Drug Use and Health -- Monitoring the future -- Drug Abuse Warning Network -- NNICC narcotics intelligence estimates -- Pulse Check -- Arrestee drug abuse monitoring -- Drug use : how many, how much? -- Prescription drug abuse -- Connection between drugs and crime -- Research on adolescents -- Research on adults -- Drugs and violence -- Summary -- Review questions -- 2. Drug use and legislation : a history -- Alcohol and the Temperance Movement -- National prohibition -- Opium : a long history -- Morphine and heroin -- China and the opium wars -- The first opium war -- The second opium war -- The Chinese problem and the American response -- Twentieth-century efforts and legislation -- The Pure Food and Drug Act -- China and the International Opium Conference -- The Harrison Act -- Case law results -- Narcotics clinics and enforcement -- The Uniform Drug Act -- Cocaine : from coca to crack -- Nineteenth-century use -- Cocaine in the twentieth century -- Marijuana : from immigrants to the counterculture -- Early marijuana legislation and literature -- Counterculture use and changing laws -- Amphetamines : speed and ice -- Barbiturates -- Tranquilizers and Sedatives -- Hallucinogens -- Government action after World War II -- A turn toward treatment -- Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 -- The drug scare of the 1980s -- Into the twenty-first century -- Summary -- Review questions -- 3. Drugs and the nervous system -- Neurological theories of drug abuse -- The disease model -- Arousal theory -- Genetic predisposition -- Limitations in the neurological study of drug abuse -- Polydrug use -- Psychoactive substances and the central nervous system -- The brain -- Neurons -- Neurotransmitters -- Drug ingestion -- Tolerance -- Drug cues and sexual dysfunction -- Summary -- Review questions.; 4. Depressants -- Endorphins -- Stress and addiction -- Heroin -- Effects of heroin -- Tolerance for heroin -- Heroin withdrawal -- Medical use of heroin -- Dangers of heroin use -- Oxycodone -- Barbiturates -- Effects of barbiturates -- Tolerance for barbiturates -- Barbiturate withdrawal -- Medical use of barbiturates -- Dangers of barbiturate use -- Benzodiazepines -- Effects of tranquilizers -- Medical use of benzodiazepines -- Tolerance for benzodiazepines -- Withdrawal from benzodiazepines -- Dangers of tranquilizer use -- Methaqualone -- Alcohol -- Effects of alcohol -- Alcohol tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of alcohol use -- Analogs and designer drugs -- Summary -- Review questions -- 5. Stimulants -- Cocaine -- Effects of cocaine -- Coca paste and cocaine combinations -- Crack -- Cocaine tolerance -- Cocaine withdrawal -- Medical use of cocaine -- Dangers of cocaine use -- Amphetamines -- Effects of amphetamines -- Methamphetamine tolerance and withdrawal -- Medical use of amphetamines -- Dangers of methamphetamine use -- Nicotine -- Effects of nicotine -- Nicotine tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of nicotine use -- Herbal stimulants -- Caffeine -- Summary -- Review questions -- 6. Hallucinogens, club drugs, marijuana, and inhalants -- Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) -- Effects of LSD -- LSD tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of LSD Use -- Phencyclidine (PCP) -- Effects of PCP -- PCP tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of PCP use -- Mushrooms and cactus -- Club drugs -- Ecstasy -- Ketamine -- Rohypnol -- GHB and GBL -- Cannabis -- Effects of cannabis -- The medical controversy -- Marijuana tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of marijuana use -- Inhalants -- Effects of inhalants and solvents -- Inhalant tolerance and withdrawal -- Dangers of inhalant use -- Summary -- Review questions -- 7. The sociology of drug abuse -- Sociological theory -- Stages of drug addiction -- Alcohol -- Heroin and cocaine -- Anomie -- Response to anomie -- Problems with the theory -- The adaptive model of anomie -- Differential association -- Social control theory -- Subcultures and cultural deviance theory -- Symbolic interactionism/labeling -- Summary -- Review questions --