Preface -- 1: What is ethics? -- Ethics and its subdivisions -- Morality as compared with other normative subjects -- Traits of moral principles -- Domains of ethical assessment -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 2: Ethical relativism -- Subjective ethical relativism -- Conventional ethical relativism -- Criticisms of conventional ethical relativism -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 3: Moral objectivism -- Aquinas' objectivism and absolutism -- Moderate objectivism -- Ethical situationalism -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 4: Value and the quest for the good -- Intrinsic and instrumental value -- Value of pleasure -- Are values objective or subjective? -- Relation of value to morality -- Good life -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 5: Social contract theory and the motive to be moral -- Why does society need moral rules? -- Why should I be moral? -- Morality, self-interest and game theory -- Motive to always be moral -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 6: Egoism, self-interest, and altruism -- Psychological egoism -- Ethical egoism -- Arguments against ethical egoism -- Evolution and altruism -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 7: Utilitarianism -- Classic utilitarianism -- Act and rule-utilitarianism -- Criticism of utilitarianism -- Criticism of the ends justifying immoral means -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 8: Kant and deontological theories -- Kant's influences -- Categorical imperative -- Counterexamples to the principle of the law of nature -- Other formulations of the categorical imperative -- Problem of exceptionless rules -- Problem of posterity -- Conclusion: Reconciliation project -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 9: Virtue theory -- Nature of virtue ethics -- Criticisms of action-based ethics -- Connections between virtue-based and action-based ethics -- Feminism and the ethics of care -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 10: Religion and ethics -- Does morality depend on religion? -- Is religion irrelevant or even contrary to morality? -- Does religion enhance the moral life? -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 11: Fact value problem -- Hume and Moore: the problem classically stated -- Ayer and emotivism -- Hare and prescriptivism -- Naturalism and the fact-value problem -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- 12: Moral realism and the challenge of skepticism -- Mackie's moral skepticism -- Harman's moral nihilism -- Defense of moral realism -- Conclusion -- For further reflection -- For further reading -- Appendix -- Glossary -- Index.
Text of Note
From the Publisher: Study ethics from one of the classic texts, written by one of contemporary philosophy's most skilled teachers, Louis P. Pojman, and now revised by best-selling author and editor of the INTERNET ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY, James Fieser. ETHICS: DISCOVERING RIGHT AND WRONG, Sixth Edition, provides you with a concise yet comprehensive overview of the fundamental objectives and outlooks of ethical theory. Written in a conversational manner with strong learning aids and numerous classical and contemporary examples, this book teaches you how to develop your own moral theories and competently reason through ethical problems for yourself. The text even-handedly raises critical questions with its non-dogmatic style and generous presentation of various positions. This edition offers more feminist as well as multicultural ethical perspectives. Initial chapters discuss general concerns about meta-ethics before presenting major moral theories. Later chapters address special topics in personal and religious ethics as well as the most recent developments in moral theory. A helpful appendix teaches how to write ethics papers, while study questions for each chapter and useful bibliographies further assist you in review and additional exploration of topics. A companion website offers additional support with essay questions and numerous interactive learning aids.