Pt. 1. Introduction to writing -- Learning to write -- What makes writing effective? -- Writing in school : An introduction -- Pt. 2. Planning and drafting -- Choosing topics and getting started -- Thesis, purpose, and audience -- Style and tone -- Organization : Mapping, outlining, and abstracting -- Pt. 4. Modes of writing -- Personal writing -- Writing to inform -- Writing an argument, stage 1 : Thinking it through -- Writing an argument, stage 2 : Selling the case -- Pt. 5. Academic writing -- Research -- Using sources -- The academic research paper -- Pt. 6. A collection of good writing
Text of Note
Writers learn best when inspired by compelling reasons to write, aided by examples and reinforced by immediate personal rewards. With sound advice offered in a supportive tone, this book leads you through the writing process, from the importance of understanding your audience to pre-writing to polishing the final draft. You'll learn why good writers ask of their writing, "Will this work?" You'll also learn how to ensure that - with practice and revision - your answer will be "yes."--COVER