Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-92) and index
Text of Note
Free speech is not an absolute right / Cass R. Sunstein -- Free speech must remain protected / Charles Levendosky -- The media should use better judgment during wartime / Thomas Sowell -- Free speech should not be restricted during wartime / Robyn E. Blumner -- Public schools and libraries should install Internet filters / Bruce Watson -- Internet filters should not be installed in public schools and libraries / Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Colleges should adopt speech codes / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic -- Colleges should not adopt speech codes / Robert M. O'Neill -- The popular culture industry should censor itself / William Baldwin ... [et al.] -- Popular culture should not be censored / John Derbyshire -- Limited restrictions on Internet hate speech may be necessary / Laura Leets -- Freedom of speech can prevent hate crimes / Aryeh Neier -- Flag burning should be banned / Patrick Brady -- Flag burning should not be banned / Michael Kinsley -- Pornography should be restricted / Jay Nordlinger -- Sexuality and nudity are banned too frequently / Marilyn C. Mazur and Joan E. Bertin