Includes bibliographical references (p. 216-218) and index.
Text of Note
The culture wars are over / Paul M. Weyrich -- The culture wars are not over / People for the American Way -- The right is intensifying the culture wars / Jim Whittle -- Neither the right nor the left can win the culture wars / Stanley Kurtz -- The extent of the culture wars has been exaggerated / Christian Smith .. [et al.] -- A new counterculture is emerging / Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson -- America shows signs of moral decline / John Harmon McElroy -- America is not in moral decline / David Whitman -- Popular culture is contributing to America's decline / Jennifer A. Gritt -- Popular culture reveals America's strengths / Part 1: Jeanne McDowell and Andrea Sachs; Part II: Geneva Overholser -- Political correctness threatens American liberty / John Attarian -- The issue of political correctness deserves open discussion / Michael Bronski -- Political progressivism should be promoted / Paul Wellstone and Bill Dauster -- Political conservatism should be promoted / Policy Review -- Religious progressivism benefits society / Richard Parker -- Religious conservatism benefits society / John Bolt -- Secular humanism should be promoted / Robert F. Morse -- Secular humanism is harmful / Tim LaHaye -- Multiculturalism should be promoted / Part 1: Rethinking Schools; Part II: James A. Banks -- Multiculturalism is harmful / Bradford P. Wilson -- The government should legislate morality / Gregory Maturi -- The government cannot legislate morality / Charles Colson -- The government must maintain the separation of church and state / Edd Doerr -- The separation of church and state harms American culture / Roy S. Moore -- The government should fund art that may be offensive / John K. Wilson -- The government should not fund offensive art / Charles Krauthammer.