Live : introduction -- Smoke detector -- High-tech toilet -- Floating bed -- HDTV -- Gas boiler -- Wind turbine -- Recycling -- Bioplastic -- Hydroponics -- Supermarket -- Dry shampoo -- Artificial retina -- Timepieces -- Connect : introduction -- Laptop for all -- Mouse -- Wi-Fi toy -- E-book -- Bluetooth -- Petcam -- Head up -- Convergence -- E-voting -- Supercomputer -- Seti@home -- Play : introduction -- Games console -- Simulators -- Second life -- Under scan -- Weird music -- Roller coaster -- X-sports -- Flybar -- Gekkomat -- Bodyflight -- Hawk-eye -- Robots -- Lego mindstorms -- Cube world -- Move : introduction -- Formula 1 -- Converter -- Robot car -- Road -- Catseyes -- VentureOne -- Segway PT -- ULTra -- Water craft -- FLIP ship -- Jet ski -- SailRocket -- Glider -- Silent flight -- Aerobatics -- Helicopter -- Sneakers -- Escalator -- Explore : introduction -- Vomit comet -- Mars rover -- Space probes -- Solar sail -- SpaceShipOne -- Telescope -- Space stations -- Explorers -- Oil rig -- Binoculars -- Night vision -- Microscope -- Weather balloon -- Atlas -- Neutrino tank -- Fusion reactor -- Construct : introduction -- Concrete -- Building blocks -- Drill -- Millau Viaduct -- Grand designs -- Eden Project -- Falkirk Wheel -- Skywalk -- Big builds -- Mass damper -- Power tower -- Stadium roof -- Micro machines -- Laser -- Protect : introduction -- Money -- Biometric ID -- Airport security -- Spy -- DataDot -- Stealth -- Ejector seat -- Kevlar -- Hard wear -- Rebreather -- Fire extinguisher -- Eyewear -- LifeStraw -- Shelters -- Lighthouse -- Tsunami alert -- Flood barrier -- What's next.
Text of Note
Uses computer-generated images to explain how many devices and processes of modern technology work, covering such inventions as HDTV, game consoles, robot cars, helicopters, space probes, oil rigs, mass dampers, biometric id's, and tsunami alert systems.