Rev. ed. of: DeJong's The neurologic examination / rev. by A.F. Haerer. 5th ed. c1992
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index (p. 643-671)
Text of Note
Overview of the nervous system -- The neurologic history -- The general physical examination -- General outline of the neurologic examination -- Gross and microscopic anatomy of the cerebral hemispheres -- Functions of the cerebral cortex and regional cerebral diagnosis -- The mental status examination -- Disorders of speech and language -- Agnosia, apraxia, and related disorders of higher cortical function -- An overview of brainstem and cranial nerve anatomy -- The olfactory nerve -- The optic nerve -- The ocular motor nerves -- The trigeminal nerve -- The facial nerve -- The acoustic nerve -- The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves -- The spinal accessory nerve -- The hypoglossal nerve -- Brainstem and multiple cranial nerve syndromes -- Overview of the motor system -- The motor unit level -- The spinal cord level -- The corticospinal (pyramidal) level -- The extrapyramidal level-
Text of Note
The extrapyramidal level -- Motor strength and power -- Muscle tone -- Muscle volume and contour -- Abnormalities of movement -- Overview of the sensory system -- The exteroceptive sensations -- The proprioceptive sensations -- The interoceptive, or visceral, sensations -- Cerebral sensory functions -- Sensory localization -- Introduction to the reflexes -- The deep tendon or muscle stretch reflexes -- The superficial (cutaneous) reflexes -- Pathologic reflexes -- Postural and righting reflexes -- Associated movements -- Cerebellar function -- Gait and station -- The autonomic nervous system -- Peripheral neuroanatomy and focal neuropathies -- Neck and back pain -- Other musculoskeletal disorders -- The blood supply of the brain -- The ventricular system and the cerebrospinal fluid -- The examination in coma -- Miscellaneous neurologic signs -- Diagnostic reasoning and neurologic differential diagnosis