My Jewish merchant family : my home town was never home. thank Heaven for Life magazine -- Sex, drugs, and the business of rock-and-roll : some went to business school; I managed a rock band. (Guess who had more fun?) -- Bankruptcy at home : how I tried and failed to save my father's business -- Helping to invent Whole Foods : battles with my mentor made me wiser, confident, and determined never to work for anybody again -- Bike-touring adventures : by the end of my cross-country journey, I'd decided to become an entrepreneur -- Building a video empire : my perfect start-up: a hole-in-the-wall video store -- Millionaire without a mission : I struck a deal with Blockbuster, headed for Silicon Valley, and left small-town retail behind forever -- My professional poker career : after two years of high-stakes poker, I was ready for anything -- Easy dot come: the making of an Internet pioneer : how I founded and sold a company for $100 million in less than three years -- Easy dot go: getting carried away with the Internet : good intentions but a lousy business plan is a great way to lose millions -- Adventures in the wild : the sharks of the South Pacific are as dangerous as the ones in Silicon Valley -- Taming a wild elephant : I thought I was ready for the biggest project of my life; now I'm not so sure -- What it takes (and doesn't take) to be an entrepreneur : know yourself, keep learning, and hang on for the ride!