Introduction: on being becoming / Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz -- Aristotle's aesthetiquette / Nicholas Pappas -- The art of the dis: hip-hop's battle royale / Lynne d Johnson -- Gay etiquette: a brief consideration / Jeff Weinstein -- The breathing breach of etiquette / Kenneth J. Saltman -- The etiquette of adoption / Michael D. Colberg -- Impolitics: toward a resistant comportment / Trent H. Hamann -- Coldness and civility / Alison Leigh Brown -- Eating dogs and women: abject rules of etiquette in 301/302 / Tina Chanter -- The taciturn tongue: on silence / Brian Schroeder -- Handy etiquette / David Farrell Krell -- Murder so bland: the implosion of disetiquette / Mark S. Roberts -- Branded from the start: the paradox of (the) American (novel of) manners / Hildegard Hoeller -- "Make yourself useful" / Shannon Winnubst -- The American guest / Kevin McDonald -- A place where the soul can rest / bell hooks -- Slurping soda, twirling spaghetti: etiquette, fascism, and pleasure / Don Handon Johnson -- Make it look easy: thoughts on social grace / Karmen MacKendrick -- Etiquette and missile defense / Robin Truth Goodman -- Odysseus lies / Thomas Thorp -- Take clothes, for example / Hazel E. Barnes