Why policy implementation needs a science of science policy / John H. Marburger III -- Politics and the science of science policy / Harvey M. Sapolsky and Mark Zachary Taylor -- Sociology and the science of science policy / Woody Powell, Jason Owen-Smith, and Laurel Smith-Doerr -- The economics of science and technology policy / Richard Freeman -- A situated cognition view of innovation with implications for innovation policy / John Gero -- Technically focused policy analysis / Granger Morgan -- Why and where for a science of science and innovation policy / Irwin Feller -- Developing a science of innovation policy / Fred Gault -- Analysis of public research, industrial R & D, and commercial innovation : measurement issues underlying the science of science policy / Adam Jaffe -- The current state of data on the science and engineering workforce, entrepreneurship, and innovation in the United States / E. J. Reedy, Michael Teitelbaum and Robert Litan -- Legacy and new databases for linking innovation to impact / Lynne Zucker and Michael Darby -- A vision of data and analytics for the science of science policy / Jim Thomas and Susan Mohrman -- Science policy : a federal budgeting view / Kei Koizumi -- The problem of political design in federal innovation organization / Bill Bonvillian -- Science policy and the Congress / David Goldston -- Institutional ecology and the social outcomes of scientific research / Daniel Sarewitz -- Science policy in a complex world : lessons from the European experience / Janez Potočnik