"The chapters in this volume are based on presentations made at a conference on 'Cognitive and Linguistic Foundations of Reading Acquisition: Implications for Intervention and Research.' The conference was sponsored by the National Dyslexia Research Foundation (NDRF) and held in Kauai, Hawaii, from May 27 to June 1, 1995"--Preface
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
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A cross-linguistic study of early literacy acquisition / Maggie Bruck, Fred Genesee, and Marketa Caravolas -- Sight word learning in normal readers and dyslexics / Linnea C. Ehri -- Spelling in normal children and dyslexics / Rebecca Treiman -- Children's understanding of the connection between grammar and spelling / Peter E. Bryant, Terezinha Nunes, and Miriam Bindman -- The case for early reading intervention / Barbara R. Foorman [and others] -- Assessing the child's and the environment's contribution to reading acquisition: what we know and what we don't know / Brian Byrne [and others] -- Approaches to the prevention and remediation of phonologically based reading disabilities / Joseph K. Torgesen, Richard K. Wagner, and Carol A. Rashotte
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How theories of speech affect research in reading and writing / Alvin M. Liberman -- Ability to encode phonological representations: an underlying difficulty of poor readers / Susan Amanda Brady -- The role of temporal processing in developmental language-based learning disorders: research and clinical implications / Paula Tallal [and others] -- A provisional, integrative account of phonological and naming-speed dificits in dyslexia: implications for diagnosis and intervention / Maryanne Wolf -- Subtypes of dyslexia: an old problem revisited / Jack M. Fletcher [and others] -- Subtypes of developmental dyslexia: differences in phonological and orthographic coding / Keith E. Stanovich [and others]
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The Etiology and remediation of phonologically based word recognition and spelling disabilities: are phonological deficits the "hole" story? / Richard K. Olson [and others] -- The use of rime-based orthographic analogy training as an intervention strategy for reading-disabled children / Keith R. Greaney, William E, Tunmer, and James W. Chapman -- Toward distinguishing between cognitive and experiential deficits as primary sources of difficulty in learning to read: the importance of early intervention in diagnosing specific reading disability / Frank R. Vellutino, Donna M. Scanlon, and Edward R. Sipay -- Closing the gap on reading failure: social background, phonemic awareness, and learning to read / Tom Nicholson -- Early intervention and phonological awareness: a cautionary tale / Benita A. Blachman
Foundations of reading acquisition and dyslexia.
Dyslexia, Congresses
Dyslexic children-- Education, Congresses
English language-- Orthography and spelling-- Study and teaching, Congresses