The LEA series in personality and clinical psychology
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Text of Note
"In this volume, the major theorists and researchers of interpersonal sensitivity describe their approaches both critically and integratively. Specific tests and methods are presented and evaluated. The authors address issues ranging from the practical to the broadly theoretical and discuss future challenges. Topics include sensitivity to deception, emotion, personality, and other personal characteristics; empathy; the status of self-reports; dyadic interaction procedures; lens model approaches; correlational and categorical measurement approaches; thin-slice and variance partitioning methodologies; and others."
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"Interpersonal sensitivity refers to the accuracy and/or appropriateness of perceptions, judgments, and responses we have with respect to one another. It is relevant to nearly all aspects of social relations, and has long been studied by social, personality, and clinical psychologists. Until now, however, no systematic or comprehensive treatment of this complex concept has been attempted."
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"This volume offers the single most comprehensive treatment to date of this widely acknowledged, but often vaguely operationalized and communicated, social competency."--Jacket