1. The great minds on education: Plato meets Grandview prep -- 2. Thinking and experience in school -- 3. What uneducated minds need -- 4. The formally educated mind -- 5. What is required for a good education? -- 6. How high school got that way (the search for the smoking gun) -- 7. Producing educated minds in not the university's problem -- 8. Structuring the learning experience --. 9 Teaching and testing in the modern world -- 10. Horses for courses: the story centered curriculum -- 11. Rethinking college -- 12. The SCC at Grandview (2002-2003) -- 13. Teaching realities -- 14. Fifth grade follies -- 15. The eighth and twelfth grade writing curricula: a study in contrasts -- 16. Redesigning the curriculum -- 17. K-12 stories -- 18. CMU west -- 19. The eleventh grade hospital curriculum -- 20. Toward a new conception of education
Text of Note
"This 19th-century conception of the educated mind weighs heavily on our notions of how we educate our young. When the focus of education is on intellectual and scholarly issues, as opposed to issues such as communications, basic psychology, or child raising, we are continuing to rely on outdated notions of the educated mind that come from an elitist view of who is to be educated and what that means. To accommodate the realities of today's world it is necessary to change this elitist view. We need to rethink what it means to be educated, to reconceptualize the very idea of education as a process that forefronts and values learning by doing. Students need to learn how to think and to learn by doing - not how to accomplish tasks such as passing standardized tests and reciting rote facts." "In this book, Roger Schank sets forth the premises of his argument, cites its foundations in the Great Books themselves, and illustrates it with examples from an experimental curriculum that has been used with K-12 students." "Making Minds Less Well Educated Than Our Own is essential reading for scholars and students in the learning sciences, instructional design, curriculum theory and planning, educational policy, school reform, philosophy of education and higher education, and anyone interested in what it means to be educated in today's world."--Jacket