Folate chemistry and metabolism / Barry Shane -- Biochemical role of folate in cellular metabolism / Conrad Wagner -- Clinical spectrum and diagnosis of folate deficiency / John Lindenbaum, Robert H. Allen -- Clinical implications of hyperhomocysteinemia / Ralph Green, Donald W. Jacobsen -- Folate requirements and dietary recommendations / Lynn B. Bailey -- Folate nutrition in lactation / Mary Frances Picciano -- Folate status of U.S. population groups / Howerde E. Sauberlich -- Bioavailability of folate / Jesse F. Gregory III
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Folate-cobalamin interactions / David G. Savage, John Lindenbaum -- Nutrient interaction of folate and zinc / Tsunenobu Tamura -- Alcohol and folate interactions: clinical implications / Charles H. Halsted -- Folate and neural tube defects / John M. Scott, Donald G. Weir, Peadar N. Kirke -- Folate status: effects on carcinogenesis / Joel B. Mason -- Folates and folate antagonists in cancer chemotherapy / David G. Priest, Marlene A. Bunni -- Folate antagonists in nonneoplastic disease: proposed mechanisms of efficacy and toxicity / Sarah L. Morgan, Joseph E. Baggott
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Folates and neuropsychiatry / Teodoro Bottiglieri, Richard F. Crellin, Edward H. Reynolds