Introduction / E. Paul Durrenberger and Karaleah Reichart. Miners, women, and community coalitions in the UMWA Pittston Strike / Karaleah Reichart. Is this what democracy looks like? / E. Paul Durrenberger and Suzan Erem. With God on everyone's side : truth telling and toxic words among Methodists and organized farmworkers in North Carolina / Sandi Smith-Nonini. Buying out the union : jobs as property and the UAW / Peter Richardson. Approaching industrial democracy in nonunion mines : lessons from Wyoming's Powder River basin / Jessica M. Smith. Small places, close to home : the importance of place in organizing workers / Lydia Savage. Economic globalization and changing capital-labor relations in Baja California's fresh-produce industry / Christian Zlolniski. The tobacco trap : obstacles to trade unionism in Malawi / Marty Otañez. Concluding thoughts / Karen Brodkin. Afterword / E. Paul Durrenberger and Karaleah Reichart