Includes bibliographical references (p. 339-352) and index
Text of Note
Preface -- Adolescent male-female interaction -- Affection between the sexes -- Affection, same-sex display of -- Age-grades -- Age-sets -- Altruism -- Associations -- Attachment, primary -- Attractiveness -- Avoidance relationships -- Betrothal -- Boasting -- Bride capture -- Bride price -- Bride service -- Chaperons -- Child betrothal -- Concubinage -- Continence as a virtue -- Courtship -- Cuckoldry -- Deference of wife to husband -- Defloration customs -- Descent rules and groups -- Differential reproductive success -- Divorce -- Double standard in sexual behavior -- Dowry -- Elderly -- Elopement -- Endogamy -- Exogamy -- Family -- Family life -- Family sleeping arrangements -- Fathers attending births -- Female seclusion -- Fictive kin -- Fitness -- Foreplay -- Friendships, adult -- Gift exchange -- Household -- Human relationships, evolution of -- Husband-wife eating arrangements -- Husband-wife joint work activities -- Husband-wife leisure -- Husband-wife relationships -- Husband-wife sleeping arrangements -- Hypergamy -- Impotence -- Incest taboo -- Jealousy between co-wives -- Jealousy between males and females -- Joking relationships -- Kin selection -- Kinship -- Kinship terminology -- Levirate -- Love magic -- Male-female hostility -- Male-female interaction -- Male-female status, relative -- Male sexual aggression -- Marriage -- Marriage, arranged -- Marriage, cousin -- Marriage, trial -- Marriage age -- Marriage ceremonies -- Marriage flexibility -- Marriage forms -- Marriage partners, criteria for choosing -- Marriage partners, selection of -- Men's houses -- Menstrual taboos -- Modesty -- Natural selection -- Newlyweds -- Parents-in-law -- Pregnancy, premarital -- Promiscuity -- Prostitution -- Rape -- Reproductive strategies -- Residence rules -- Respect relationships -- Romantic love -- Segregation of children from parents -- Segregation of sexes in childhood -- Sex, attitudes toward -- Sex, extramarital -- Sex, frequency of -- Sex, initiative in -- Sex, premarital -- Sex, talk about -- Sex, techniques for initiating -- Sex taboo, postpartum -- Sex taboos -- Sex training in childhood -- Sexual behavior, same-sex -- Sexual partners, first -- Sexual receptivity -- Sexual relations, patterns of -- Sexual relations, privacy in -- Sexual selection -- Sleep-crawling -- Sororate -- Spouse beating -- Transvestism -- Virginity -- Wedding night -- Widow remarriage -- Widower remarriage -- Wife sharing -- Woman exchange -- Bibliography -- Illustration credits -- Index
Text of Note
From the Back Cover: The human family is ever-evolving, changing with time and adapting to place. How and what degree do world cultures differ in their sexual, familial, and social habits, and what are the common features? And how is the manner in which humans conduct their various relationships related to instincts for survival and reproduction? Marriage, Family, and Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia invites readers to explore the expression of relationships in many cultures and to discover by comparison both shared patterns and dazzling variety. Alphabetically arranged by topic, the detailed and engrossing essays covers such topics as: adult friendships; courtship; divorce customs; fathers attending births; male-female hostility; marriage forms; parents-in-law; romantic love; sex taboos; and widow remarriage. Students, researchers, and armchair sociologists will welcome this volume as a reference source and springboard to new thought and new understanding