Sequence architecture, facies development and carbonate-cemented horizons in the Troll Field reservoir, offshore Norway / K. Gibbons, T. Hellem, A. Kjemperud, S.D. Nio & K. Vebenstad -- Reservoir heterogeneity in the Vanguard Field, UKCS / R.W. Lahann, J.A. Ferrier & S. Corrigan -- Quantitative analysis of pore structure and its effect on reservoir behaviour: Upper Jurassic Ribble Member Sandstones, Fulmar Field, UK North Sea / W.D. Clelland, J.D. Kantorowicz & T.W. Fens -- Sedimentological and reservoir characteristics of a fluvial-dominated delta-front sequence: Ferron Sandstone Member (Turonian), east central Utah, USA / P. Lowry & T. Jacobsen -- Effect of heterogeneities in braided stream channel sandbody on simulation of oil recovery: a case study from the Lower Jurassic Statfjord Formation, Snorre Field, North Sea / Ø. Høimyr, A. Kleppe & J.P. Nystuen -- Geometry and facies of large-scale flow-units in fluvial-dominated fan-delta-front sequences / T. Dreyer -- A discussion on the use of analogues for reservoir geology / J. Alexander -- Analogue dipmeter logs through a prograding deltaic sandbody / G.I.F. Cameron, J.D. Collinson, M.H. Rider & L. Xu --Permeability images: a new technique for enhanced reservoir characterization / L.T. Bourke, N. Corbin, S.G. Buck & G. Hudson.