Includes bibliographical references (p. [265]-285) and indexes
Text of Note
Pt. I. History. Destruktion-Konstruktion : Heidegger, Gadamer, Ricoeur / P. Christopher Smith -- pt. II. Engagements. The dialectic of belonging and distanciation in Gadamer and Ricoeur / Merold Westphal -- Hermeneutics as project of liberation : the concept of tradition in Paul Ricoeur and Hans-Georg Gadamer / Andreea Deciu Ritivoi -- Gadamer's rhetorical conception of hermeneutics as the key to developing a critical hermeneutics / Francis J. Mootz III -- Understanding as metaphoric, not a fusion of horizons / George H. Taylor -- Where is Muthos hiding in Gadamer's hermeneutics? Or, the ontological privilege of emplotment / John Arthos -- Paul Ricoeur's and Hans-Georg Gadamer's diverging reflections on recognition / David Vessey -- Is Phronēsis deinon? Ricoeur on tragedy and Phronēsis / David H. Fisher -- pt. III. Extensions. Ricoeur's model of translation and responsible political practice / Bernard P. Dauenhauer -- Understanding the body : the relevance of Gadamer's and Ricoeur's view of the body for feminist theory / Louise D. Derkesen and Annemie Halsema -- Thing hermeneutics / David M. Kaplan -- Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics and new Confucianism / Kathleen Wright