Atmospheric poster -- Air is everywhere -- Balancing balloons -- Pressure vs. pencil -- Build a weather station: barometer -- Hurricane swirl -- Screening out the sun -- Telling time by the sun -- Sun prints -- Reason for seasons -- Light strength -- What warms more? -- Build a weather station: thermometer -- Full of hot air -- Hothouse heat up -- Cycling water -- Powerful changes -- Build a weather station: rain gauge -- Homemade rainbow -- Sleet vs. snow -- Make snow globes -- Rain prints -- Do the dew point -- Make frost -- Build a weather station: psychrometer -- Frame a cloud -- Track cloudy weather -- Static sensor -- Testing for trouble -- Reading the wind -- Build a weather station: anemometer -- Feeling the chill -- Build a weather station: wind vane -- The power of wind -- Wordly wind poems -- Tornado in a bottle -- Inverting air -- Trap pollution particles -- Build a weather station: put it all together! -- Test a forecast -- Mapping it out -- Winter warnings -- Water warm up.
Text of Note
Explores weather in detail from the wind to the clouds with more then 40 projects you may use for science projects.