Hampton Press communication series : Communication alternatives
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
Mutant and viral : artificial evolution and software ecology / John Johnston -- How networks become viral : three questions concerning universal contagion / Tony D. Sampson -- Extensive abstraction in digital architecture / Luciana Parisi -- Unpredictable legacies : viral games in the networked world / Roberta Buiani -- Archives of software--malicious code and the aesthesis of media accidents / Jussi Parikka -- Contagious noise : from digital glitches to audio viruses / Steve Goodman -- Toward an evil media studies / Matthew Fuller & Andrew Goffey -- Irregular fantasies, anomalous uses : pornography spam as boundary work / Susanna Paasonen -- Make porn, not war : how to wear the network's underpants / Katrien Jacobs -- Can desire go on without a body? : pornographic exchange as orbital anomaly / Dougal Phillips -- Robots.txt : the politics of search engine exclusion / Greg Elmer -- The internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it : a new media approach to the study of state internet censorship / Richard Rogers -- On narcolepsy / Alexander R. Galloway & Eugene Thacker