Includes bibliographical references (pages 665-672) and indexes
Text of Note
1. Stata basics -- 2. Data management and graphics -- 3. Linear regression basics -- 4. Simulation -- 5. GLS regression -- 6. Linear instrumental-variables regression -- 7. Quantile regression -- 8. Linear panel-data models: Basics -- 9. Linear panel-data models: Extensions -- 10. Nonlinear regression methods -- 11. Nonlinear optimization methods -- 12. Testing methods -- 13. Bootstrap methods -- 14. Binary outcome models -- 15. Multinomial models -- 16. Tobit and selection models -- 17. Count-data models -- 18. Nonlinear panel models -- A. Programming in Stata -- B. Mata
Text of Note
"Aimed at both students and researchers of economics and related social sciences, Microeconometrics Using Stata provides the most complete and up-to-date survey of microeconometric methods available in Stata, including linear regression, simulation, instrumental-variables estimation, quantile regression, random- and fixed-effects models, linear mixed models, analytical and bootstrap inference, and nonlinear models for binary, multinomial, censored, and count outcomes for both cross-sectional and panel datasets."--BOOK JACKET