Preface -- Expert commentary : From government to governance in spatial planning and information science / Walter T. de Vries -- Sustainable energy development and climate change mitigation / Dalia Streimikiene and Remigijus Čiegis -- A resource dependency perspective on the sustainable development of local spatial data infrastructures (SDI's) / Walter T. de Vries -- The habitats directive as a driver for sustainable development in the coastal zone : the example of the Humber Estuary / Roger K.A. Morris and Peter Barham -- Sustainable development in oil pipelines industry using the analytic heirarchy process / Prasanta Kumar Dey -- Sustainable development of the space environment / Mark Williamson -- Energy, water and sustainable development / Abdeen Mustafa Omer -- Representations and behaviors of farmers with regard to sustainable development : a psycho-environmental approach / Elisabeth Michel-Guillou and Karine Weiss -- Advances in laser remote sensing of forests / Michael A. Wulder ... [et al.] -- Sustainable development in oil extraction : the rights of future generations / Sabry A. Abdel Sabour -- Formulation and development of policy for sustainable development : using the life cycle approach for integration of environmental considerations / Sumiani Yusoff -- Index