Introduction : unity in diversity / Peter Ludes -- Culture and technology. Global and European information society / Maria Heller ; ePolicies in Europe : a human-centric and culturally biased approach / Ursula maier-Rabler -- Techno-pleasure. The cultural value of games : computer games and cultural policy in Europe / Rune Klevjer ; Learning and entertainment in museums : a case study / Ed Tan ... [et al.] -- ICT and learning. For a communications approach to the use of ICT in education / Bernard Miège ; E-learning : a knowledge theoretical approach / Lars Qvortrup ; 'Virtual' and 'flexible' university learning / Knut Lundby & Päivi Hovi-Wasastjerna -- Power, technology and policies. Media governance : valuable instrument of risk discourse for media ownership concentration / Werner A. Meier ; Telecom liberalization : distributive challenges and national differences / Tanja Storsul ; Public service television's mission in France : an analysis of media-policy instruments, including the use of the Internet as a new distribution channel / Marcel Machill