Introduction : the death throes of a health service -- Comprehensive, universal and free -- Sowing financial seeds : the great investment -- Declaring the health harvest and concealing ruined crops -- Uprooting the traditional health fields -- Cultivation of local health services -- Choosing the method of cultivation : patient choice -- Alienating and spreading fear in the community -- Combing the landscape for a decision-maker -- Rushing into decisions and reaping the consequences -- Discarding the chaff : the shedding of NHS responsibilities -- The great hospital and health service clearout -- From hospital to homestead : the great go-between of intermediate care -- Thresholds and fencing : erecting the social care barriers -- The uprooting of real care -- Suffolk health services : gathering storm over the land -- Rural conflagrations and early hostilities -- Setting the wheels in motion : the timetable of war -- The campaign in full flux -- Other fights in a changing landscape -- Decision-making day : a dimming of the Suffolk light
Health services administration-- Great Britain
Medical policy-- Great Britain
National health services-- Great Britain
Delivery of Health Care-- Great Britain
Health Care Reform-- Great Britain
Health Policy-- Great Britain
State Medicine-- organization & administration-- Great Britain