This guide for client-side programmers and web designers teaches both JavaScript and how to use JavaScript to script the Document Object Model (DOM). The book presents seven modular libraries for browser-compatibility, with a total of 20 complete real-life applications, including XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Section 1 offers a complete subset of JavaScript that includes basic event handling and elementary DOM scripting, enabling readers to start writing applications right away. Section 2 presents the rest of JavaScript's essentials, and Section 3 on DOM scripting shows how to manipulate both XHTML and CSS for web pages. The last section shows how to use third-party libraries like jQuery and Dojo. Each topic or skill is presented in a two-page spread, with syntax, coding examples, and bulleted guidelines on the right-hand page, and explanations on the left. An appendix gives instructions on setting up the computer to use the book: installing a text editor for JavaScript programming, installing Firefox and Firebug, and installing source code