A journey for all mankind --- Magnificent desolation -- Homeward bound -- After the moon, what next? -- Realignent -- Flying high, flying low -- Duty and dilemma -- Human side of hero -- A controlled alcoholic -- Turning point -- Reawakening - Finding the love of my life -- The Lois factor -- New beginnings -- Every superman needs his Lois -- Oh, the places you will go! -- Advocacy for America -- Pop goes space culture -- Good-bye blues, hello space views -- A blow heard 'round the world -- Weightless again -- Final frontiers
Text of Note
Although Apollo 11 made Aldrin a famous person as he described the "alien world" of moon and space as "magnificent desolation," his celebrity status led to both personal trials and triumphs back on earth. "The twin demons of depression and alcoholism emerged-- the first of which Aldrin confronted early and publicly, and the second of which he met with denial until it nearly killed him." He describes the failure of two marriages and renewal once he gained sobriety and a new love of his life, a woman named Lois.