Insects: Aphids -- Asian long-horned beetle -- Bark beetles -- Bedbug -- Biting midges -- Black flies -- Boll weevil -- Citrus leaf miner -- Cockroaches -- Colorado potato beetle -- European corn borer -- Fleas -- gypsy moth -- Head louse and body louse -- Horse botflies -- Housefly -- Japanese beetle -- Kissing bugs -- Locusts -- Mealybugs -- Mediterranean fruit fly -- Mosquitoes -- Pharaoh ant -- Planthoppers -- Pubic louse -- Red imported fire ant -- rice, maize, and granary weevils -- Sand flies -- Scale insects -- Screwworm -- Sheep ked -- Tabanids -- Termites -- Thrips -- Tsetse -- Warble flies -- Whiteflies --
Text of Note
Introduction -- Pesticides -- Insecticides and acaricides -- Antihelminthics -- Rodenticides -- The future of pesticides -- Pesticides and the environment -- Organochlorines : a persistent problem -- Avermectins and ivermectins: disaster for dung fauna -- Tributyltin: marine gender-bender -- Pesticides and environmental protection -- Pesticide resistance -- Pests and ecosystems -- Tsetse and the African wilderness -- Pest and host interactions: hidden complexity -- Our place in the environment and our obligations -- Modern agriculture -- Integrated crop management --
Vertebrates: Black rat -- Brown rat -- Cane toad -- European rabbit -- Feral goats -- Feral pigeons -- House mouse -- Red-billed quelea -- Sea lamprey -- Snakes
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"... Presents an overview of the animals that have the greatest impact on our lives, from the creatures that eat our crops to the ones that invade our homes and those that transmit diseases"--From publisher description