Air Pollution and Health Effects: Evidence from Epidemiologic Studies -- Particle Dosimetry in the Respiratory Tract -- Bioavailability of Particle-Associated Air Pollutants and Relationship to Cardiopulmonary Injury -- Genetic Susceptibility Factors in the Cardio-Pulmonary Response to Air Pollution -- Air Pollutants, Epithelial Surfaces and Lung Disease -- Irritant Agonists and Air Pollutants: Neurologically Mediated Respiratory and Cardiovascular Responses -- Signal Transduction and Cytokine expression in particulate mater (PM)-Induced airway remodeling -- Chronic exposure and susceptibility to oxidant air pollutants -- Pulmonary toxicity of occupational and environmental exposures to fibers and non-sized particulate -- Biological airborne pollutants -- Combustion emissions: contribution to air pollution, human exposure and risk to cancer, and related effects -- Air pollution, public health, and regulatory considerations