Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Animal Models of Normative Behavior; Chapter 1: Male Fruit Fly's Courtship and Its Double Control by the Fruitless and Doublesex Genes; Introduction; Current Research; The Field of Mating Research Began with Fruitless; A Muscle Tells About the Sex of the Brain; An RNA Splicing Difference Determines the Fly's Sex; Molecular Identification of the fru Gene; Some fru-Expressing Neurons are Sexually Dimorphic; The Mechanisms by Which Fru Generates Sex Differences in Neurons; Some Neurons are Present Only in the Female or Male Brain
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Chapter 4: The Neurobiology and Genetics of Affiliation and Social Bonding in Animal Models Introduction; Current Research; The Molecules of Affiliation and Social Bonding; Social Recognition; Infant-Mother Attachment; Maternal Nurturing; Pair Bonding; Human Implications and Translational Opportunities; Conclusions and Future Directions; References; Part II: Animal Models of Cognitive Processes and Cognitive Decline; Chapter 5: Intellectual Disability; Introduction; Contribution of Organism Models to a Translational Strategy for ID; Criteria for Developing Organism Models of ID
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Circuitry for Gustatory Pheromone Processing The Olfactory System Regulating Courtship Behavior; Inhibitory Pheromone Inputs Modulate the Decision to Court; Auditory Input Affects Male Courtship; Experience Modulates Innate Courtship Behavior; Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: A Drosophila Model for Aggression; Introduction; Current Research; Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives; Territoriality; Mate Competition; Aggressive Behavior; Neurological and Genetic Perspectives; Social Experience and Behavior; Mushroom Bodies as a Site for Associative Learning
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Do Flies with Sexually Mosaic Brains Behave as Female or Male? Which Part of the Brain Needs to be Male for the Fly to Behave as a Male?; Which Cells in the Male's Brain Decide to Court?; Forced Activation of P1 Triggers Courtship Behavior in a Solitary Male; P1 Neurons Are Activated Upon Female Contact; The Motor Center for Courtship Song Generation; Dsx is Required for Sine Song Production; Sensory Control of Courtship Behavior; Gustatory Receptors for Nonvolatile Pheromone Sensation; Ligand-Activated Channels as Mediators of Pheromonal Communication
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Genetics of Aggressive Behavior Future Directions; References; Chapter 3: The Genetics of Impulsivity: A Synthesis of Findings in Humans and Rodent Models; Introduction; Heritability of Impulsivity; Genes Influencing Impulsivity; Dopamine Receptor Genes; Serotonin Receptor Genes; Noradrenaline Receptor Genes; Monoaminergic Metabolic Markers; Non-monoaminergic Substrates; Future Directions; Studies in Animal Models of Impulsivity; Genome-Wide Association Studies; Neuroimaging Genetics; Conclusions; References