Curriculum-Based Measurement Concepts and Applications /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Kelli D. Cummings, Yaacov Petscher
Edition Statement
1st ed. 2016
Edition Statement
1st ed. 2016
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (XIV, 386 pages) :
Other Physical Details
69 illustrations
Text of Note
Preface ; Contents; About the Editors; Contributors; Chapter-1; What Is Fluency?; Fluency in Language Proficiency; Fluency in Reading; Fluency in Mathematics; Fluency as Automaticity in Procedural Skill; Automaticity ; Procedural Skill ; Fluency ; Recommendations for the Study of "Fluency"; Conclusions; References; Part I ; Applied Use of Fluency Measures; Chapter-2; Indicators of Fluent Writing in Beginning Writers; Importance of Writing; Fluent Writing; Using Principles of CBM to Define Fluency; Defining Fluent Writing; Components of Fluent Writing: Transcription and Text Generation
Text of Note
Challenges in Establishing Generalizable InterventionsFluency and Mathematics Assessment; How Are We Measuring Fluency?; Fluency-Based Measures Assessing Number Sense ; Magnitude Comparison ; Strategic Counting ; Retrieval of Basic Arithmetic Facts ; Fluency-Based Measures in the Middle School Grades ; Conclusion; References; Chapter-4; Using Curriculum-Based Measurement Fluency Data for Initial Screening Decisions; Fluency as a Proxy for Academic Proficiency; Theoretical Support for Fluency as a Construct in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing; Reading; Curriculum-Based Measurement
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MathematicsWriting; Basic Components of Data-Based Decision-Making; Step 1-Screening Using CBM Measures; Case Study; Step 2-Setting an Ambitious Goal for the Student and Labeling the Goal Line on the Student's Progress Monitoring Graph; Case Study; Step 3-Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses Using Diagnostic Measures; Case Study; Step 4-Generating a Hypothesis About Appropriate Method to Individualize Instruction for the Student; Case Study; Step 5-Creating an Instructional Plan for Each Student or Group of Students; Case Study
Text of Note
Transcription Text Generation ; Assessment of Fluent Writing; Name Writing; Letter Writing Assessments; Word Writing and Spelling; Sentence Writing; Discourse Writing; Expanding Beyond Production-Based Definitions of Fluent Writing; Writing Quality; Correlates of Writing that May Inform Instructional Targets; Informing Classroom Instruction and Interventions; Current Knowledge About Writing Instruction and Intervention in the Primary Grades; Integrating Assessment and Instruction to Improve Fluent Writing in Young Children; Using CBM to Inform Instructional Decisions
Text of Note
Using CBM in a Multitiered System of Support to Promote Fluent Writing in Young Children Directions for Future Research; Conclusion; References; Chapter-3; Mathematics Fluency-More than the Weekly Timed Test; Why Focus on Mathematics and Mathematical Fluency?; What is Mathematical Fluency?; How Does Mathematical Fluency Support Mathematical Proficiency?; Fluency-Based Interventions in Mathematics; Repeated Trials Fluency Training; Targeting Generalizable Skills and Behaviors; Mathematics Interventions with Fluency Skill-Building Components
Text of Note
This book provides a comprehensive overview of fluency as a construct and its assessment in the context of curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Comparing perspectives from language acquisition, reading, and mathematics, the book parses the vagueness and complexities surrounding fluency concepts and their resulting impact on testing, intervention, and students' educational development. Applications of this knowledge in screening and testing, ideas for creating more targeted measures, and advanced methods for studying fluency data demonstrate the overall salience of fluency within CBM. Throughout, contributors argue for greater specificity and nuance in isolating skills to be measured and improved, and for terminology that reflects those educational benchmarks. Included in the coverage: Indicators of fluent writing in beginning writers. Fluency in language acquisition, reading, and mathematics. Foundations of fluency-based assessments in behavioral and psychometric paradigms. Using response time and accuracy data to inform the measurement of fluency. Using individual growth curves to model reading fluency. Latent class analysis for reading fluency research. The Fluency Construct: Curriculum-Based Measurement Concepts and Applications is an essential resource for researchers, graduate students, and professionals in clinical child and school psychology, language and literature, applied linguistics, special education, neuropsychology, and social work