About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Understanding NTP; A Brief History of Time Synchronization; The Importance of Time Synchronization in Modern Networks; The Network Time Protocol; Understanding NTP; NTP from the Client Side; NTP Server Configuration; NTP Reference Implementation; NTP Authentication; Mapping the Network Time Protocol; Conclusions; Chapter 2: Issues in NTP Security; A History of NTP Attacks; Why Is NTP So Insecure?; The Problem with "Set It and Forget It" Protocols; Analysis of NTP Traffic; Conclusions
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Broadcast AttacksImplementing BCP38; NTP Pooling; NTP Over Multicast/Manycast; Multicast; Manycast; Conclusions; Chapter 6: Alternatives to NTP; NTPSec; Ntimed; tlsdate; Precision Time Protocol (PTP); Conclusions; Index
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Chapter 3: Vulnerabilities in NTPVulnerabilities in the Daemon; Vulnerabilities in the Protocol; Flaws in NTP Encryption and Authentication; Symmetric Encryption; AutoKey; NTP Use in DDoS Attacks; Conclusions; Chapter 4: Securing NTP; Collecting NTP Information; Hardening an NTP Installation; Running NTP in a Chroot Jail; Run NTP As an Unprivileged User; Protecting NTP Communication; Securing the ntp.conf File; Secure Configurations on Juniper and Cisco; Monitoring NTP Traffic; Alerting on NTP Security Issues; Correlating Alerts; Conclusions; Chapter 5: Securing NTP Infrastructure; BCP38