Balancing The Paradox Of Formal And Social Governance In Distributed Agile Development Projects -- Human Resource Behaviour Simulation in Business Processes -- Evaluating the Synergies of Integrating E-Assessment and Software Testing -- Multiple View Architecture Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems Using MARTE -- Applying Psychology to Facilitate Participation in Conceptual Modelling -- The Diffusion of Agile Software Development: Insights from a Regional Survey -- An MAS-based Implementation for Semantic Web Services Composition -- Software Process Improvement in small companies as a path to Enterprise Architecture -- A CMDB Meta Model Based On Services -- Tool Support for the Quality Assessment of MDWE Methodologies -- EFQ_TIL: Relationship Model Between Itil And Efqm To Assure Service Quality In It Processes -- Accentuated Factors of Handheld Computing -- What Users Do: SA & D with the ATSA Method -- Can Relational DBMS Scale-up to the Cloud? -- A Comparative Analysis of Agile Maturity Models -- Simulation Based Evaluation of Adaptive Applications -- Analyzing Empirical Data in Requirements Engineering Techniques -- Conceptual Modelling: A Philosophy of Fiction Account -- An Ontological Analysis of Metamodeling Languages -- On XML Document Transformations as Schema Evolves
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Is There Really a Conflict Between Privacy and Personalisation? -- Expectations and Reality: Why An Enterprise Software System Didn't Work As Planned -- Problems in the interplay of IS development and IT operations: An alignment analysis -- The Agile and the Disciplined Software Approaches: Combinable or just Compatible? -- Designing Communities for Large Scale Sustainable Collaboration -- Supply and Demand of E-government Services in Developing Countries: Cases from Tanzania -- Reflections on a Multimethodology Approach to Business Process Automation -- NDT-Driver, a Java Tool to Support QVT Transformations for NDT -- Designing Communities for Large Scale Sustainable Collaboration -- Cognitive Processes in Object-Oriented Requirements Engineering Practice: Analogical Reasoning and Mental Modelling -- Development Of A Prototype Knowledge Discovery Portal For Energy Informatics -- Product Or Service? An Interpretive Case Study Of Web Development
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Information Systems Development: Reflections, Challenges and New Directions, is the collected proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development held in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 24 - 26, 2011. It follows in the tradition of previous conferences in the series in exploring the connections between industry, research and education. These proceedings represent ongoing reflections within the academic community on established information systems topics and emerging concepts, approaches and ideas. It is hoped that the papers herein contribute towards disseminating research and improving practice
Information systems development : reflections, challenges and new directions.
International Standard Book Number
Computer science, Congresses.
Database management, Congresses.
Information storage and retrieval systems, Congresses.