Laser-induced damage phenomena in optics: an overview / M.J. Soileau -- Laser-induced damage (LID) by thermal effects / Roger M. Wood -- Defect-induced damage / Semyon Papernov -- Self-focusing and nonlinear effects / Vitaly Gruzdev -- Femtosecond laser-induced damage in dielectric materials / Luke A. Emmert and Wolfgang Rudolph -- Measurement and detection of laser-induced damage / Jianda Shao -- Statistics of laser damage threshold measurements / Jonathan Arenberg -- Measurement of light scattering, transmittance, and reflectance / Sven Schröder and Angela Duparré -- Quartz and glasses / Laurent Lamaignere -- Crystalline materials for UV-applications / Wolfgang Triebel and Christian Mühlig -- Materials for lasers: frequency conversion, Q-switching, and active materials / Anne Hildenbrand and Frank R. Wagner -- Surface manufacturing and treatment / Jérôme Néauport and Philippe Cormont -- Introduction to optical coatings and thin film production / Angus H. Macleod -- High-power coatings for NIR lasers / Christopher J. Stolz -- Coatings for FS-lasers / Marco Jupé and Detlev Ristau -- Spaceborn applications / Wolfgang Riede and Denny Wernham -- Lithography in the deep ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet / Klaus R. Mann -- Free electron lasers / Michelle Shinn -- The high-energy petawatt laser phelix and its high-power optics / Stefan Borneis